Make Kattis Happy

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  • Kattis is not happy. Can you make Kattis happy?

    \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth ]{tired-kattis.png}
    Figure 1: Picture of Kattis. Kattis is tired and sad since you always submit so many WA.


    You have 10 different actions you can do:

    1. Pour 10 ml of milk infront of Kattis.

    2. Pet Kattis (Softly)

    3. Pet Kattis (Hard).

    4. Say “Meow” to Kattis.

    5. Make Kattis wear some sick cat clothes.

    6. Give Kattis a high-five.

    7. Watch cat-videos on Youtube together Kattis. (For example this video which Joshua has linked on his Discord)

    8. Use a laserpointer and get Kattis to chase it.

    9. Feed Kattis some cat candy.

    10. Give Kattis some catnip.

    You can do up to 20 actions after eachother. You are allowed to repeat the same actions. To preform an action, output the action’s number on a single line. For example, to pet Kattis softly, and then pour 10 ml of milk infront of Kattis, you’ll have to output 2 on a line, and then 1 on a seperate line. Make sure not to write too many actions on a single line. You do not want to make Kattis even more sad.

    Your actions will be preformed one after another. If you manage to make Kattis upset to some specific degree, then your program will get terminated and you get Wrong Answer immediately. You will also get Wrong Answer if you write something that is not one of the 10 mentioned alternatives, since exact these 10 options are the only options that Kattis might like.

    When you manage to make Kattis happy, your remaining actions will get ignored.

    Make sure to flush the output after each action, otherwise you can get Time Limit Exceeded. In C++ this can be done using cout << flush; or fflush(stdout); in Python with stdout.flush(), and in Java with System.out.flush();.


    Point value




    Make Kattis happy.

April fools 2024
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