Super List

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  • Joshua is fed up with lists taking $O(N)$ time for insertion and deletion. Help him by finding a data structure that supports the following operations (all 0-indexed):

    1. Insert the value $v$ at position $p$.

    2. Delete the item at position $p$.

    3. Print the item at position $p$.


    The first line of input contains an integer $Q$ ($1 \leq Q \leq 5 \cdot 10^5$), the number of operations.

    The following $Q$ lines each contain one operation. It begins with an integer $T$.

    • If $T=0$, the values $p$ and $v$ follow ($1 \leq v \leq 10^9$). The operation is described above.

    • If $T=1$, the value $p$ follows. The operation is described above.

    • If $T=2$, the value $p$ follows. The operation is described above.

    It is guaranteed that if $T=0$, then $p \leq $ the number of elements currently in the data structure. If $T \in \{ 1, 2\} $, then $p <$ the number of elements currently in the data structure.

    Also remember to use fast I/O.


    For each $T=2$, print the item currently at position $p$.

    Explanation of sample

    After each of the insert and erase operations, the array looks like this:

    • $[10]$

    • $[2, 10]$

    • $[2, 5, 10]$

    • $[2, 5, 10, 4]$

    • $[2, 10, 4]$

    Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
    0 0 10
    0 0 2
    0 1 5
    0 3 4
    1 1
    2 0
    2 1
    2 2
  • To solve the problems, you can either start a virtual contest or register for regular practice. A virtual contest simulates a participation in the original contest with a duration of 1 day, while regular practice lets you submit solutions without any constraints.

    You must log in to register.
  • A Super List
You must log in to submit solutions to the problem.
{"contest_start_timestamp": null, "contest_duration": 86400, "contest_started": true, "contest_ended": true, "flexible_start_window_end_time": null, "only_virtual": true}